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Welcoming the chief guest
Dr. Priya Bhave Chittawar
Remarks on Program & Introduction of Chairperson
Dr. Anuradha Pancholi
Various Stimulation Protocols in Patients with POR
Dr. Sankalp Singh
Introduction of Second Speaker
Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee
'justification & benefits of adjuvant therapies in IVF /ICSI''
Dr. Prakrati Verma
Discussion by chairperson & Audience
Vote of Thanks
Dr. Anuradha Pancholi
Dr. Narendra Malhotra
Rectus fascia sling surgery
Dr. J.B. Sharma
Recurrent UTI in Menopause
Dr. Ragini Agrawal
Menopause and Circulating Metabolome
Prof. Maninder Ahuja
Discussion & Interaction
Faculties & Attendees
Vote of Thanks
Dr. Preeti Gupta
Day 2 : 24th August 2022 Time: GMT + 5:30
Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Link Between Air Pollution and Climate Change
Welcome address and introduction
Session 1: Energy Fix - The Role of Low-Emission Technologies in Addressing Air Pollution & Climate Change (Panel Discussion)
Objective: Adopt clean fuel technology through sustainable approaches for a holistic reduction in emissions in developing countries
Discussion pointsSession 2: Solutions for Pollution (Student Poster Competition, Round 1)
Objective: Evaluate students' posters and shortlist five posters for the final round to be presented on Day 3 of the event
Session 3: Seeing Is Believing - Addressing the Time Lag of Climate Change Impact to Enable Policies That Work (Presentation)
Objective: Assess the effect of air pollution on regional climate, livelihood, survival, etc.
Discussion pointsSession 4: The Number Game - Putting a Number on Our Losses (Panel Discussion)
Objective: Explore the economic impact of air pollution on the society, environment, and occupational health
Discussion pointsSession 5: Introducing Sponsors
Introduction of technologies and research outputs by sponsors
Summary of the day and concluding remarks
Day 3 : 25th August 2022 Time: GMT + 5:30
Tracking Clean Air Policies: Where Are We in the War Against Pollution?
Welcome note and keynote address
Session 1: Policy Manoeuvres - Way forward for NCAP (Panel Discussion)
Objective: Understand ground-level challenges faced by NCAP, identify interventions required for achieving NCAP targets, and highlight the way forward
Discussion pointsSession 2: Solutions for Pollution (Student Poster Competition, Final Round)
Session 3: Better Data for Better Policies - Standardising Measurement Practices (Presentation)
Objective: Frame a uniform measurement protocol using hybrid sensors, satellite data, mobile monitoring, etc., for informed policy decisions
Discussion pointsSession 4: Policy Integration - Leveraging Co-benefits of Policies Addressing Air Pollution and Climate (Panel Discussion)
Objective: Discuss counter-intuitive policy decisions on climate and air pollution, identify the correlation between air pollution and climate change policies, and determine sustainable approaches
Discussion pointsSession 5: Introducing Sponsors
Introduction of technologies and research outputs by sponsors
Summary of the day and concluding remarks
Day 4 : 26th August 2022 Time: GMT + 5:30
Air Sensor International Conference - India Chapter
Opening panel: Discussion of the current situation and perspectives regarding small, affordable air quality sensors and deliberate the common future we want to establish a vision that brings all perspectives together
Session 1A: Data Modelling and Analytics
Session 1B: Choosing and Evaluating a Sensor
Session 2A: Data Assimilation, Sharing, and Visualisation
Session 2B: Network Design and Operations
Session 3: Performance Targets and Sensor Calibration
Session 4: Real-World Sensor Applications
Closing panel: How to create consensus and move forward with common standardisation goals to influence improved air quality.
**programmes are subject to change without notice.